Combined manicure is a styling technique that has been enjoying undying popularity for a long time. The method of its implementation is based on the removal of the eponychium using cutters (without the use of hoofs or nippers), proper preparation of cuticles, smoothing the natural nail plate and correct application of color so that it optically "grows" from under the cuticles. Cuticle cutters are a necessary tool for preparing a natural nail plate for milling manicure.

Cuticle cutter - CHARACTERISTICS

Mistero Milano diamond cuticle cutter - needle is a product of the highest quality. It is mainly due to the material from which it was made. High-quality stainless steel with medium-grained diamond aggregate is characterized by extraordinary strength, ensuring extreme durability of the product. The abrasion-resistant coating guarantees extended service life while maintaining all its properties. A cone-shaped cuticle cutter is ideal for 'peeling off' the epithelium growing on the nail, as well as for cleaning the nail fold. Thanks to it, you can efficiently prepare your nail, reaching even hard-to-reach places, and significantly speed up your work by creating a perfect manicure.

The cuticle cutter - needle can be sterilized in an autoclave and other devices intended for sterilizing tools.

The diameter of the shank inserted into the milling machine clamp is 2.34 mm, which is the standard on the EU market. The cutter fits all milling machines available on the Polish market.

The safety of Mistero Milano products is supervised by a certified team of experts in the Safety of Cosmetics and Household Chemistry. The information contained in the product card is accurate and true. Nevertheless, the manufacturer is not responsible for the storage, transport and use of the product if it is other then intended. Mistero Milano products are intended for professional use by certified nail stylists. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the product specification. Shades of products may vary depending on production party.

How to use

1. Install the cutter into the router inlet, then block the inlet.

2. Select the appropriate rotation speed.

3. Start the milling machine, then start the manicure*.

*Milling manicure is a professional treatment that requires training and appropriate qualifications. To obtain training and obtain a certificate, contact our instructor
